Adding Students Tutorial

This tutorial shows you how to add students to your Teachworks account.

1. Student Types

There are two types of students in Teachworks. Child students are students that are not billed directly, but rather are billed through a parent. These students are generally children. Independent students are students that are billed directly such as adult students.

In this tutorial we'll look at adding a child student. The process of adding an independent student is very similar except you do not need to add a parent first.

2. Add Family

Before a child student can be added, you need to first add a family. Click the Students option in the navigation bar and then click the Add Family option in the dropdown menu.

Step 1 screenshot

3. Family Contact Information

Enter the status, names, email and phone numbers for the family.

Step 3 screenshot

You can also enter the address and additional information.

Step 3 screenshot - enter address

4. Additional Contacts

You can add additional contacts to a family by clicking the "Add Contact" link. Additional contacts can receive notifications and be given user accounts; however, they do not have access to billing information.

Step 4 screenshot

A window will open after clicking the "Add Contact" link with the same fields as the family form.

Step 4 screenshot - additional contact

5. Notifications

Check the boxes for the notifications that you want to send to the family.

Step 5 screenshot

6. User Account

If you would like to give the family a user account so that they can access their information, scheduling, billing and more, check the box to enable a user account.

Step 6 screenshot

7. Save & Add Student

If you would like to give the family a user account so that they can access their information, scheduling, billing and more, check the box to enable a user account.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Select Family

Since you've just added a family, the family will already be selected in this field. You can change a student's family by editing this field.

Step 8 screenshot

9. Student Contact Information

Enter the student's name and contact information in these fields.

Step 9 screenshot

10. Student Details

Enter details such as birth date, start date, school, grade, subjects and additional information.

Step 10 screenshot

You can enter defaults for services, locations and teachers make scheduling lessons easier.

Step 10 screenshot - setting defaults

11. Billing Details

These fields allow you to choose how the student is billed. You can choose to use the rate in your service list, set the price on the student's profile, bill by package or by flat fee. You can also set a discount that will be applied to the student's lessons.

Step 11 screenshot

12. Notifications

Check the boxes for any notifications that you want to send to the student.

Step 12 screenshot

13. User Account

To give the student online access to their lesson history and schedule, check the box to enable the user account. Child students do not have access to billing information.

Step 13 screenshot

14. Save

Click the Submit button to save the student.

Step 14 screenshot

For instructions on all Teachworks features, refer to the Teachworks Knowledge Base.