Account Settings Tutorial

In this tutorial, we'll cover how to set your account settings. Your account settings control many of the basic features and defaults for your account, and this should be the first step you complete in setting up your account.

1. Account Settings

To go to the Account Settings page, click the Account & Settings option in your navigation menu. Then click the Account Settings option.

Step 1 screenshot

2. Account Administrator

The account administrator is the person in your company who is responsible for your Teachworks account. Notifications will be addressed to this person.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Company Information

Enter your company name which will be displayed throughout your account and for emails sent from your account. Your email address is used for sending emails and as your admin username.

Step 3 screenshot

Enter your company's phone and address. The address will be included on your invoices.

Step 3 screenshot - company address

4. Localization Settings

Use the localization settings to control your time zone, currency and date & time formats.

Step 4 screenshot

5. Terminology Settings

You can also customize the terminology used for teachers, employees, students, families, and events.

Step 5 screenshot - terminology settings

6. Login & Logout Settings

Choose the default page users go to after logging in and set the logout redirect to direct users to your website after they log out of their account.

Step 6 screenshot

7. Calendar & Event Settings

These settings control how your calendar and events are rendered. You can control the default view, color-coding, visible hours, time slots, and more.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Cost & Wage Settings

These settings allow you to enable or disable features related to setting costs and wages. You can read the descriptions under each field for more information.

Step 8 screenshot

9. Package Settings

If you bill any of your customers using the Package billing method, you can choose to track packages by lesson or hour and how to treat missed lessons.

Step 9 screenshot

10. Invoice Settings

Use these fields to set prefixes for your invoices and credit notes, set the first invoice number.

You an use these two fields to control how lessons are displayed on your invoices and whether or not to display a discount column.

Step 10 screenshot

You can enable invoice reminders and payment receipt emails.

Step 10 overdue invoice reminder settings

Use these fields to set default values for your invoices including the sales tax rate, tax treatment and instructions.

Step 10 screenshot tax settings

11. Customer Account Settings

These settings allow you to control what types of information are visible in customer accounts.

Step 11 screenshot

12. Employee Account Settings

Use these settings to control profile photos and scheduling settings in teacher and staff accounts.

Step 12 screenshot

13. Notification Settings

You can enter a different email address for sending notifications from your account. The Lesson Reminder Lead Time controls how far in advance lesson reminders are sent.

If you email lesson notes to clients, you can choose to set the teacher's email addres in the "Reply-To" field for these emails so that replies will be directed to the teacher.

Step 13 screenshot

14. Logo

You can upload your company logo, which will be displayed on your invoices and your login page. Read the details below the field for size recommendations and limits.

Step 14 screenshot

15. Submit the Form

Once you've completed the form, submit it to save your settings.

Step 15 screenshot

For instructions on all Teachworks features, refer to the Teachworks Knowledge Base.